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Backstage for Thomas Balint at Toronto Fashion Week!

It's Fashion Week in Toronto again so I went for my usual snoop around the backstage before the shows. I should have planned it a bit better, I showed up for Thomas Balint not really thinking about the fact that male model = lack of a makeup look to tell you about!

That's okay, I went to harass my pal and lead makeup artist for Maybelline, Grace Lee anyhow - I'm firmly convinced that if I don't personally hear Grace say the words "Baby Lips are the most awesome thing ever" during Fashion Week, then the whole thing didn't actually ever happen. I was also curious to know exactly how much work does go into making up a male model - short answer - not much!

Grace explained that depending on what the designer wants it generally isn't more then concealing any blemishes and getting rid of shine with Fit Me Concealer and Powder, grooming brows with some Great Lash clear mascara, possibly some contouring with Fit Me bronzer and that's it, done!
Likewise not a lot of fuss went into the hair - Jorge Joao, Lead Artist for Redken explained to me that the look for the Thomas Balint show was street kids cleaned up which made for hair that wasn't overly "done". The hero product of the look - Redken Pillow Proof Blow Dry Express Primer - a time-saving blow dry primer wit heat protection.
And here's what they look like once Grace and Jorge are done with them - strangely, male models look just as bored/angry/hungry on the catwalk as the girls do!
Being the weirdo that I am, the highlight for me was the Maybelline Twitter Vending Machine - you used your smartphone to tweet using the hashtag and code it gave you and the machine spit a mascara out for your troubles!

See you next season!

- Lisamarie -

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