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How I got rid of painful periods, and how you will too

Hello ladies

I'm in my late twenties now and it had seemed like my periods had become more and more painful. I used to be blessed with periods that were a breeze. But then again, when I was younger, I had to play sports at school, I had very regular days and I weighed 30 pounds less. I went from being borderline underweight to being in the middle of the healthy weight.

But year after year I seemed to get more painful periods, up to a point where I seemed to have dysmenorrhea. On the first day of my period it would feel like there was a druck driving over my back. I would be squirming and spasming uncontrolably on my bed, as if I had a seizure. The pain would almost be too much to bear.

Unfortunately I've become traumatised by painkillers. I don't think they belong in the body and I do believe that pain is a warning sign that something is wrong with my lifestyle. I have a healthy diet, but I'm not exercising enough and I do get stress from my law degree.

The past few months I made some changes in an effort to decrease the pain as naturally as possible. It's winter, so I don't go outside much. I don't exercise because of my AGS, I get too much adrenaline from it and I have to vomit after a few minutes of cycling if I don't get my cortisol level right. I try to stay calm and sit outside on the terras in the sun whenever there is blue skies so that my body can make some natural vitamin D. I also take vitamin D from the pharmacy from time to time. This is just an elementary thing, everyone should get at least an hour of sun and fresh air every day. You don't have to be active to do that, you can just sit outside with a cup of tea.

Now for the real work. I had an intolerance test and it turns out I'm highly intolerant for wheat, hazelnuts and dairy. A dietician told me to stop eating about ten ingredients to let my gut rest to see how I would feel. I had already quit drinking milk and eating most bread. So I had already sensed that something was wrong. But then came the real work: no cookies, no pasta with weath, no cake (egg yellow intolerance), no articifial candy (colorants and gelatine), no chocolate, no dairy (only soy),...

I sinned a few times with some pralines and Viennetta. I have to say that I felt very drowsy after eating the Viennetta. I usually replace all milk with rice milk (not almond milk because... I'm intolerant for almonds too... you'd be surprised what comes up in those tests!).

I also couldn't resist a box of delicious Astrid pralines by Neuhaus. Google them, they are the most delicious things on earth but also 100% butter and sugar (and guianduja, which is like a mix of chocolate and butter... and a crunchy fondant sugar coating oh my god...).

Apart from that I ate completely wheat and dairy free! It was super easy! I found a lot of dairy free cookies, wheat free pasta, soy dairy, etc. One thing I missed was wheat free noodles because I love me some quick carbs, but I will find them online I hope.

Then another big change the past month was definitely my iron supplement Fero-Gradumet. It's 525mg of iron of which I absorb 80mg, which is good for around 16 meals in just on day. I can't live without my perscription iron, without it I get very weak and pale, and my eyes start to tremble and yellow. I lose a lot of iron during my period also, so it gets even worse.

Against muscle cramps nothing is better than magnesium. Magnesium is so easily absorbed, so important if you don't eat vegetables, and it works instantly to relief muscle cramps. With added vitamin C, it can also help flush out the uterus lining. They even say that vitamin C can trigger abortion. I took too much vitamin C a month ago and trust me, you don't want that, the pain will kill you, never take too much of anything.

Then there is herbs. I found a great combination of primrose oil, bernagie and chasteberry! It's in the Holland and Barrett store. You take two a day, it relieves premenstrual and menstrual discomfort and promotes beautiful skin in the menawhile :)

Then for painful bleeding I recommend adjusting the tampon absorption to your flow. One heavy days, use super tampons and on ight days use smaller tampons. I always have the different types lying in my drawer. Makes me feel so organised ;) Then, IF I ever get laid, lol, I use "hot soft tampons" without a string.

What about dandelion extract? I tried some by Physalis but I had a very bad experience. I was stupid enough to take all my medication on an empty stomach in the morning (cortisol, iron and dandelion extract). I can guarantee... I had the most painful diarrhea.. I couldn't move for three hours... It may have been the dandelion since it has a detoxing effect, I don't know, but I'm more careful with this now.

Fertility friend: a great app for tracking the cycle. And being prepared is so important! I didn't have any premenstrual symptoms this month! No anger, no grumpiness, no hormonal imbalances! So I was very surprised to get my period almost one week early and so pain free! I had to adjust this in the app, which then changed my cycle to around 24 days, I noticed that when I looked at next month. This is important if you want to know when you're ovulating. The app also alows you to add details like when you had sex, what your temperature is, etc.

What about pain killer? I didn't really need pain killer this month! Usually I grab for the perdofemina, a type of pain killer. My doctor didn't even know what it was and perscribed me Ibuprofen EG 600 mg instead. I didn't need it though like I said, luckily, because pain killer is not my friend. I your body needs to create these horrible spasms to get rid of a little blood, perhaps you need to do more exercise, take more nutrients, minerals, oils, and use less toxic chemicals around the house.

Jasmine oil massage: I tried it once but I didn't really need it by then: mixing jasmine drops with a base oil and rubbing it on the stomach would relieve period pain, even delivery pain. Now I'm not so sure, but I do love the calming scent of jasmine, and if anything must come near my stomach, then it better be warm hands with a soothing nice scented oil!

My period has never been so easy. The blood came out a lot more liquid, the period also came a lot faster than usual and I barely had spasms. I'm on day one and I basically don't feel anything.

Good luck


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