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Slimming World Update #9

I got some pretty exciting Slimming World related news this month which I can't tell you guys about yet. When I can talk more about it you all will be the first to know. We're now onto my , it doesn't feel like I've been doing the program for that amount of time. It's hard to believe that at the end of April, I'll be doing Slimming World for a full year. I feel like I've accomplished so much so far and I'm very happy. Just after I posted my last update Slimming World came out with these new members booklets. I really like the presentation of these as they look much nicer in comparison to the old books. The inside layout is easier to follow too. A plus even for me when I want to read up on the program and keep myself  up to date with everything. I have nearly everything transferred over from the old book, except my weightloss award stickers. I still have one or two of them to get.
 This month has been another good one for me with Slimming World. My weight has stayed the same which I'm really happy about. So far to date I've lost 6st 4lbs which I still can't get my head around. I did have two small gains during the month which I'm not too worried about at all. I had surgery during the month so I was held up with that for a bit but now I'm perfectly healthy again. To be honest I feel like I've already won, never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd lose this amount of weight. I feel myself even getting a little emotional as I write this. I always feel thankful that I have you guys leaving comments on these post, you all have been nothing but supportive. If I can keep maintaining the weight I'm at now for a while I'll be happy. I don't have a set time for when I want to reach my target weight as of yet but I'm hoping maybe sometime during the Summer. I want to lost another 2 stone, after that I'm going to see were it goes from there. I think this deserves a drum roll, I joined the GYM during the month. Yeah I know I mentioned that I was going to join the gym in my last two updates but I finally bit the bullet and went. Let's just say after the first day I was absolutely shattered. My lovely gym instructor wrote up a program for me on my first day. It's intense but really great.  Basically I want to continue to lose weight and tone up at the same time. Since I started Slimming World I've been walking everywhere but I thought I needed that extra push as well. I'm not big into exercise so joining the gym was probably the best option for me. I'm hoping I get really good results with it, so I'll keep you guys posted on how I'm getting on with that in my next update.

Until the next time,


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