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Last January, I made my first month update on my ISOTRETINOIN Journey. (Click HERE). I promised to make an update monthly but I was so busy with a lot of things I already forgot to do so. I'm on my 5th box now so I can now make a proper update with you. 
My skin was NEVER FLAWLESS. At times, it may look like I have a flawless skin through my photos and videos but I thank the power of make up, camera and good lighting. I have an acne prone skin, oily and sensitive type that started when I was a teenager (3rd year high school to be exact) and the pimples never stop. These pimples leaves red marks and blemishes but those are not my priority since I badly want to "cure" my pimples instead. Over the years, I tried A LOT of different anti-acne products, went to different dermatologist and it did helped somehow. Though once my skin got immune to these products (give it 3-4 years) then that's when the pimple breakouts will start again. Then I begin to look again for products that will help prevent my pimples. During this trial period of trying different products, I'm risking my skin thus making it worst leading to more breakouts.   

Today, I'll be sharing with you the things I did to help get rid of my pimples plus tips on how to avoid having one. 

1. Start with a good cleanser.
Good skincare starts with a good cleanser. Before, I don't focus much on cleansing of the skin thus adding up to the oil production that I have on my skin. Oil starts to build up on my t-zone in about 2 hours thus more oil = clogging of pores = pimples. Now, I make sure to double or triple cleanse my skin. 

Here are the products that I use to get rid of the makeup: 
- Garnier Micellar Water, Aestuera Cleansing Water
Here are the products that I use as a 2nd cleanser: 
- Aestura Theracne365 Bubble Cleanser (light makeup), Peelsu Pure Cleasing Foam (heavy makeup), Garnier Acne Wash
And the last products that I use: 
- Beauche Soap and Acne Care soap

2. Use products with the ingredients like Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid and Retinol. 
There are a LOT of different anti-acne products in the market that claims to get rid of acne so I make sure to look these ingredients up before I'm convinced. For me, these are the basic ones that should be in an anti-acne product.

3. Personally, use non-too moisturizing products.
My current skin is normal to dry and it really takes 10-12 hours before I oil up. No oil production = no 
build up of bacteria = no pimples. I prefer products that would really strip off the oil on my skin thus leaving it dry. Though at times, my skin looks so rough, dry and dull so I still use moisturizers every 2-3x a week. Personally, I noticed that most of the Korean products are too moisturizing for the Philippine weather (hot and humid). These Korean products are made for Korean weather thus most of their products are moisturizing. Before, moisturizers really makes my skin more oily and thus I experienced having bad breakouts. Now, I choose Korean products carefully. 

4. Watch your diet. 

5.  Sleep on time.
I noticed that the more hours I sleep, the less pimple breakouts I have. It also helps to shrink the pimples when you get to sleep for more than 8 hours because the cells regenerate faster when we sleep on time (at night). 

6. You can use supplement such as Collagen.
As you all know, ORIHIRO COLLAGEN (OLD / NEW) helped to prevent pimple breakouts in 2017 to mid 2018. 

7. Use spot treatment to treat the pimples. 
I rarely get pimples now bu before I used these products to help dry up the pimples faster:
AcneCare Lotion, Cosrx Pimple Master Patch, Aestura Theracne Gel Spot Treatment, Althea Spot Treatment

6. Hydrate daily!
We need to hydrate daily to replenish fluids and get rid of toxins in the body. 

7. When all else fails, you can consult a Dermatologist or asked about Isotretinoin (Accutane/Acnotin/Acnetrex) 

I decided to take Acnotin/Isotretinoin because I'm almost on my 30 but still experience cystic breakouts. I've tried everything to treat and prevent these breakouts but it's just getting worst. And I have an EXTREMELY OILY SKIN!!! Having an extremely oily skin is a HUGE FACTOR in getting these cystic pimple breakouts. 

Taking this drug is 101% EFFECTIVE!!! I've read that it's under the MOST DANGEROUS DRUGS (used for chemotherapy) but MOST EFFECTIVE when it comes to acne. When taken right, it helps to shrink the oil glands for a long period (long term effects). 

I started my first box last December 2018 and saw an improvement by January 2019 so I made an update here:

Then here's my MONTH  5 UPDATE (APRIL 2019)

During my 1st month, I didn't experienced that much side effects except dryness of the face and lips. But during my 2nd month/2nd box (January 2019), I started to experienced side effects such as extreme muscle pain for 2-3 weeks that I had to take a pain killers just because it was too much. I first experienced muscle pain on my right upper back that radiated to the left side on the 2nd day until the pain reached to my upper arms. Also, I was so stressed that time that I rarely drink water. After during A LOT of water for days, the pain finally subsided. 

I also noticed extreme dryness of the lips even though I use Petroleum Jelly. Sometimes, I can't open my mouth too wide because the sides might crack. I also have a lot of dry patches on my the skin especially near the mouth. My skin is normal to dry making it dull and lifeless. Not complaining now, I use moisturizers 2-3x a week to give my skin a glow (somehow). 

The last time I had a pimple was during the last week of January, just before I had my period. This April, I had a tiny white head that looked like a pimple that eventually dried up in 1-2 days. I love that even when I'm stress or have lack of sleep, there are no pimples at all! 

Since I do skincare reviews, I don't breakout anymore at any new product that I use! 

Before, during the 8th-9th hour of work, my face looks too oily that I had to blot (using 3-4 blotting papers) then remove my makeup at work then apply another one. Now, I don't "retouch" anymore as I can go for a 16 hour shift without retouching nor using a blotting paper. Though my skin now looks too matte. 

Also, before, my t-zone starts to oil up after 2 hours, now my skin starts to oil up (tiny oil) in about 12-14 hours or maybe longer than that. Whenever I blot after a 16 hour shift, I only use half of the blotting paper! 
My skin is now way BETTER compared to before though I still have to work on the red marks and blemishes. They actually look like small pimps from afar. My dermatologist recommended me to undergo micro peeling but I haven't tried it yet. I'm still looking for skincare products instead to help me remove the red marks. Love that I don't have to worry my pimples anymore plus I can go barefaced outside now! 
(April 2019 - current skin) 

Will still make an update when I see changes in the future! And please, before taking this drug, make sure to research very well, read reviews and know your health history. ***This DRUG IS HIGHLY DANGEROUS so you really have to take it with precaution. 

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