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Sol De Janerio: Brazilian Bum Bum Cream

It is very rare for people to get excited about a body cream. Body Cream is the sort of product you get as part of a Christmas box set, you never use it and then you end up finding it two years later stashed at the back of your beauty collection. I never really understood why Body Cream was included in  box sets but as I have gotten older I have learnt to appreciate it more. Personally I love a body cream, I love the positive effect it has once I have used it and I am happy to take my time applying it. I know for a lot of people this isn't the case, they find using a body cream a burden. They don't like the extra time it takes to apply it and they also don't like waiting around for it to sink in. I can totally understand this struggle but I do also think it is all about finding the right product for you.

Personally I know I love the Lush Body Conditioners during Winter as I can use them in the shower and I don't have to wait for them to sink in. At other times of the year I swap between lotions and creams. I tend to like a cream as they are thicker and give more hydration but a lotion doesn't leave you feeling sticky which is key during the Summer. As I know the sort of products I like, it makes it slightly easier to buy them. One thing that can be a struggle with a body cream is how long it takes to sink in. This is why I am happy to spend a little bit more money on a body cream as I know more expensive ones tend to take less time to sink in. My favourite body creams are the ones from Jo Malone London; Jo Malone create some amazing scents and the formula is very light and sinks in really quickly so I don't have to wait around. In my experience cheaper body creams tend to take longer to sink in, especially the ones from The Body Shop. Don't get me wrong, the body creams are wonderful if you have very dry skin but for my skin they are just too much and don't sink in properly.

There has been one body cream that has been very high up on my list of products to try, the Sol De Janerio Brazilian Bum Bum Cream. It has been widely spoken about by Bloggers and I wanted to find out what all of the fuss was about. This cream is hard to come by. It is stocked on Cult Beauty but a lot of the time it is sold out. Other than that Sephora is the main stockist. I actually picked up my tub in Selfridges back in October. It has taken me a long time to get round to writing about it as to be honest I sort of forgot about it. This cream somehow made its way to the back of my draw and anything that finds it's way there, doesn't tend to come out very quickly. When I found the cream I started to use it immediately.

My immediate thought when I am using this cream is that I am using it at the wrong time of year! This will be perfect for the warmer, Summer months. At the moment it is bringing a little bit of Summer to my dreary Winter days but it is so cold in the UK that even this cream can't save me! I am hoping that by using this cream I will be able to herald in warmer weather but it doesn't seem to be working. The scent of this product has a similar vibe to Bronze Goddess by Estee Lauder: it is very sweet, tropical and has an element of coconut within it. Personally I love this smell and if you like Bronze Goddess you will love this cream. If you can't get to a store to smell the Bum Bum Cream give Bronze Goddess a smell instead as they are very similar.

Surprisingly it isn't just the scent that everyone has gone mad for but people love it for the formula. The whole reason it is called Bum Bum Cream is because it is designed to be used on your bum and thighs to help tighten and refine the area. On the packaging it says Bum Bum Cream contains, 'All-powerful Guarana Extract.' When I originally read this, Guarana meant nothing to me so I went online to find out more. On Cult Beauty they describe Guarana as 'A native Amazonian plant, this fruit contains one of the most potent forms of caffeine on the planet, giving your bottom the ultimate boost and stimulating circulation to keep it super smooth and tantalizingly toned, while also minimising cellulite.' Now we are getting somewhere, it is all about caffeine. I am trying to cut down on my coffee intake so at least I am getting a bit of caffeine from somewhere! All jokes aside caffeine is known to help with circulation, and is particularly popular within body scrubs, but I have to admit I've never really tried it before. As you may know if you read some of my posts before, last month I turned the ripe old age of 25. I'm not going to sit here and say I am looking amazing for 25. I am quite petite in both height and weight but that doesn't mean I am immune to cellulite. As a 20-something woman cellulite is a reality for all of us at that age. Yes I will admit it is not my biggest concern but it is certainly something I have become more aware of. If there is a product which is going to aid it, then hell yeah I am going to give it a go.

When I first put my hand in the tub, it was quite thick and because of this I immediately assumed I wasn't going to like it and that it was going to take ages to sink in. I was wrong, as soon as you start to spread the cream and rub it in, it starts to feel more like a lotion. It doesn't leave a sticky residue and it sinks in very quickly once it has been applied. It does leave your skin nourished and it leaves your skin looking amazing. I am always really shocked by how much better my skin looks after I have used this. The most bizzare thing about this cream is that it contains glitter. When I say glitter I do mean a fine shimmer which is undetectable when you look at the cream in the tub. However once it has been spread on the skin, it is slightly more obvious. I think the glitter could affect the way your skin looks sort of like you were putting a filter on it. Lots of celebrities use shimmer products before they go on the red carpet to give them a healthy glow and I would say Bum Bum Cream has that same airbrushed effect. As there is such an immediate effect after using this body cream, I do question the longevity of the effects but that is something I will find out when I use this more regularly.

I going to be honest, I don't use this too often. At the moment I am only using it on the weekends so I'm not sure if you would get better results from using it regularly but I haven't seen a massive difference to my thighs. I wasn't expecting a drastic change as I know nothing can really save cellulite but that has not stopped me from loving this cream, like most people I have completely disregarded the fact that it designed for your bum and thighs and I have been using it all over my body. Even though I don't need all that caffeine on the rest of my body, it can't harm, right? Really I just love this cream for the scent and it is something I want to cover myself in.

Overall I do really like the Bum Bum Cream and during summer I can see myself using this a lot. However for a relatively unknown brand, prior to this product, it is bloody expensive. The smaller size which is the tub I got, is £18 for 75ml. When you think about it 75ml is nothing and this tub is not going to last long at all! The larger size is 240ml and it is £44. My favourite body cremes from Jo Malone London are £50 but Jo Malone London is a known luxury brand. When I first saw the price of Bum Bum Cream, I was shocked because it really isn't cheap. I admit I spend around that much anyway but that is for well known brands, this is an indie brand which has taken off. Personally I would say it was worth it and I would be willing to spend that much on another tub but you do need to take into consideration that I spend that much anyway. I think the immediate results are fab, it hydrates my skin and it smells incredible, what more could I ask for? If you are considering trying the Brazilian Bum Bum Cream, I would recommend trying the small tub first and then splash out on the big one if you absolutely love as it isn't a cheap product.

Another thing to consider is whether you will use it or not. If you don't like a body cream, you aren't going to fall in love with the texture just because of this product. It is rather expensive, especially if it is just going to sit at the back of your collection collecting dust. However if you are looking for a body cream which sinks in quickly, leaves your skin looking radiant and which smells incredible, I would highly recommend the Brazilian Bum Bum Cream. Off the back of the popularity of the Bum Bum Cream, Sol De Janerio have launched quite a few products with the same scent. If you like the sound of the smell of Bum Bum Cream but your not sold on the fact that it is a Body Cream, they do other products which might appeal to you more.

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