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COLAB Dry Shampoo Rio Tropical Volume Extreme - Review

Do you ever have find there is a product out there that you don't fully get. For some, it's foundation primers, lip liners, face masks etc. For me, it's dry shampoo. My hair tends to be dry so I don't easily get oily looking hair. Before I get into the nitty gritty, I would like to say that this product is wonderful overall, and if you love dry shampoo, unlike me, you may very well think this stuff is the bomb.

The packaging is good. It's eye catching and the can is sturdy. The nozzle is mega powerful. I think I am going to spray myself out of the bathroom sometimes when I use this. I have the scent Rio Tropical. There are other scents and I plan on trying them. This is a nice, fresh scent though. The product is made in the U.K. and it was not easy to get here in Canada for the longest time. I bought mine at Winners/Marshalls but I recently saw some for sale at Rexall. I paid $7.99 for my 200ml or 118g can which is good value for the money.

Does this dry shampoo give you crazy volume? Uh yeah. This stuff is off the chain. Does it get rid of any oily looking roots? Yes. Does it refreshen your hair and make it smell nice? Yes again. I would expect that is what most people want from a dry shampoo so check, check, check.

I find too much comes out of the nozzle, but it's not unmanageable. This stuff is white! If you are not careful, you are going to leave your house looking like your great granny. I highly recommend taking your blow dryer to your hair after your spray it on, even for a few seconds, to help get rid of the white colour and to distribute it better in your hair.

If you wanted to do some crazy high volume updo, look no further than this product. I have tried a few other dry shampoos before and I like this one the best.

Overall though, I'm just not a dry shampoo fanatic. I find they make your hair feel stiff and not super manageable after you have initially styled it. At least this one doesn't make your hair look clumpy or sticky.

That being said, dry shampoo, especially this one by COLAB, is great to have on hand when you are in a rush and really need to shampoo your hair but just don't have time.  

I think it's a bit difficult to rate this type of product, so I won't do a detailed rating, but this is the one to buy if you are a dry shampoo lover.

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