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Autumn’s here and I love it: for me, it’s all about crisp, cooler days and darker nights, cosy handknits and hot chocolate… but how’s a girl to get her skin through the onslaught that autumn brings? Wind, central heating, rain all take their toll on your skin and, as someone with especially sensitive skin, I thought I could maybe make some reasonably priced recommendations to help your skin cope with the change (let’s pretend we had a glorious summer, yes?) They might not be the fanciest products, but they are ones that will see you through until the blossom hits the trees again!

image taken from www.puritycosmetics.com

Facial moisturiser- Purity Anti-Aging moisturiser

This has been reviewed a lot on blogs (including my own!), but I really think that any of the moisturisers from this range would be brilliant for when you need to put your best face forward in the coming months. Natural, thick and lovely, this is a moisturiser that was just made for autumn!

image taken from www.vaseline.co.uk

Body moisturiser- Vaseline Essential Moisturiser

Legs are encased in trousers and tights, but this doesn’t mean that your hidden skin doesn’t need attention! You really, really can’t beat the Vaseline range for super-moisturisation and it’s better than half-price at Superdrug, so stock up! I reckon it’s going to be a long, cold autumn/winter, so you’ll probably need it… and try all the varieties to find one you really, really like.

image taken from www.beselfish.com

Bath foam- Radox Herbal Bath

This is not a glamorous choice, but it is (IMHO) a sturdy one. It is a fact that autumnal weather leads lots of us to want baths. Mmm, candlelit baths. It’s all very well having fancy-pants, expensive bath foam but what about those nights where you just want a bath that leaves you feeling lovely? You can’t beat Radox- and it’s always on offer! My favourite is the Eastern Spirit scent of the ‘Spa Therapy’ range. It smells fantastic and leaves my skin soft and comfortable.

image taken from www.balmbalm.co.uk

Lip balm- Balm Balm 100% Organic Rose Geranium Lip Balm

I find that the Balm Balm lip balms are really hardworking; they soothe sore lips and provide a brilliant base for lipstick. I also think that rose geranium is a brilliantly optimistic scent for cold weather, reminding me of warmer days. It’s also fantastic in a pinch if you have sore, cold-addled nose that needs a bit of soothing or some raggedy cuticles.

image taken from www.bodyshop.co.uk

Hand cream- Body Shop Hemp Hand Protector

You’ll either love or hate the smell of this hand cream, but it will protect your hands from becoming rough and scaly. Be generous with this before you put on your gloves and you’ll have lovely smooth hands from here to Christmas! It’s a really rich cream that sinks easily into the skin and nourishes your epidermis from even the harshest weather.


Thank you very much to Steph for being my very first guest post on Beautifully Superfluous. I will definitely be looking into Balm Balm because it's a brand I have never heard of before and the soothing qualities sound just like the kind of product I will need this winter!

Steph can be found at www.stephaniepomfrett.co.uk where she talks about all things - including beauty, babies and books along with a whole host of other subjects to boot. It's a blog I've become rather addicted to so check her out!

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