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How To Whiten Teeth After Braces?

whiten teeth

After posting my ALL ABOUT MY BRACES post, people have been asking me how I got my teeth whiter especially after getting the braces off. Here are the things I did the natural way!

  • My dentist definitely did a great job buffing and smoothening out the surfaces of my teeth after removing the brackets, and I feel that this buffing session affected with the whitening of my teeth. She did not use bleach or anything! Just plain ‘ol buffing!
  • I use straw when drinking beverages such as coke, juices…etc. I think this helps because this way, you won’t stain your teeth! Caffeine is one of the causes of stains on teeth, so limit your caffeine intake.
  • I don’t smoke! Smoking makes your teeth yellow and your lips darker!!! And not to mention, your breath smell. Always practice good hygiene if ever you do smoke. Limit use or do not smoke at all.
  • I don’t use any special whitening agent, I usually use Colgate, Close-up, & Pepsodent for my toothpaste. I’ve tried using Crest, albeit with the use of this brand, you have to be consistent to see results.
  • Brush in between meals and use oral antiseptic to keep germs away! Build up of germs/plaque eventually makes your teeth look yellow. Hygiene is key!

There you have it, my tips on keeping your teeth white NATURALLY! :)

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