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Muž Roku 2012: The 12 Finalists

Eight contestants from the Czech Republic and four from Slovak Rep have been selected. They'll compete for the coveted title of "Muz Roku 2012". Who will become Muž Roku of Czech Rep and Muž Roku of Slovak Rep and represent their countries at Mister International 2012?
Let us find out at the final night on August 24th in Náchod, CR.

Meet the contestants...

Finalists from Czech Rep

Adam Klavík
Football player, 22, Písek

Erik Dobrovodský
Dentist, 23, Břeclav

Jiří Matoušek
Student, 20, Nový Bydžov

Marek Podmolík
Student, 25, Vražné – Nový Jičín

Martin Kondáš
Self-employed businessman, 25 let, Benešov

Miroslav Kolenyak
Fitness trainer, 24, Dolní Jelení

Robert Anderle
24, Litovel

Thomas Řechtáček
Financial Advisor, 21 years, Liberec

Finalists from Slovak Rep

Ján Haraslín
Student, 23, Bratislava

Štefan Mišík
Student, 20, Ružomberok

Peter Poruban
24, Dubnica nad Váhom

Karol Partika
Employee, 29, Prešo

Visit official web of Muž Roku

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