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P&P Blog Weekly Poll

New Poll is now up!

The current poll (#20) is now up (scroll down at the bottom) right side bar under the Weekly Poll for the new poll question:

Which of the following P&P actresses do you think was the best Mrs. Bennet?

Many thanks to all of you who voted in the last poll. Below is the result from last week's poll.

Which of the following P&P actresses do you think was the best Lydia Bennet?

Jena Malone (Pride & Prejudice, Film 2005)
3 (42%)
Julia Sawalha (Pride and Prejudice BBC Mini-Series, 1995)
4 (57%)
Natalie Ogle (Pride and Prejudice TV Mini-series, 1980)
0 (0%)
Ann Rutherford (Pride and Prejudice, Film 1940)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)

Total Votes: 7
Poll closed

All previous Weekly Polls are archived here.

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