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Burt's Bees Herbal Blemish Stick - Review

This review will be short and not so sweet. I purchased this sometime last year I think. It stinks. It smells like someone threw up a herbal medicine store. It's really bad. The smell has gotten worse over time and now the mixture has tons of floaty bits in it. It says it is good for 12 months. Not sure if the time is up or not. Sure looks like it is. Other than smelling like a dead bear who died in a poison ivy patch when I have applied it, the worst insult of all is that it doesn't work. At least on me it doesn't. You would think that the smallest reward for smelling like this is at least that your blemish would disappear or shrink or look less red. No luck. It does none of those things. You still stink the morning after you use it and your blemish is still staring at you in the mirror laughing. Definitely not going to repurchase. I think it cost me about $12 Canadian.

Rating: 0/10 (is this the lowest rating I have given yet????)

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