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Review: Indian Healing Clay from Healthy Option

I'm always on a look-out for a good facial mask. I'm quite addicted to it actually. I figured what a good place Healthy option is to find a facial so I asked the SA (who wasn't very helpful at all), I asked her if they have a healing mask and she handed the Azted Secret Indian Healing Clay to me. When I saw Bentonite in it, I was quite sold. It was ages ago when I saw a video Michelle Phan using a bentonite clay mask but from a car litter sand. At least with this one, I'm assured that the bentonite clay is not intended to cover up smell of a cat' poo.

Since the clay comes in powder form, a bit of elbow work will be needed since you have to mix it with either apple cider and/or water to create a mask. See a

Four table spoons can be used for 2 to 3 individuals. :) I got too excited that the BF and I had a facial mask day because I used to much powder. :)

a totally naked face a few hours after using Indian Healing Clay.

What I love:
1. How big it is. One plastic tub is about one pound (1 lbs.).
2. The price. Only about Php475.00
3. No scent at all.
4. I did really feel my face pulsating as the mask starts to dry up.
5. My face wasn't really that red afterward.
6. My skin felt tight and clean after I washed it off.
7. Even after a day, my skin feels less oilier.
8. Doesn't get into the pores.
9. Lessened the white heads around my nose. But doesn't really removes a lot of it.
10. Easy to take off.

What I don't love:
1. None.

1. The mask will work best when used a day after you get your monthly facials from your spa or dermatologist since all your balckheads, whiteheads and pimples will be extracted.
2. Don't use stainless bowls and spatula to mix the clay. Use only plastic ones.
3. The thicker the better when applying the mask. (1/2 inch is my recommendation)
4. Don't let the mask sit too long than required.
5. Only do facials like this a maximum of twice a week.
6. Keep tissue or towellete near when applying just in case the mask slides off as you apply.
7. Relax and stretch your legs. Lie down and close your eyes as you let your mask dry. This is the best time to get that quality time for yourself. :)

I look forward to my weekly mask ritual, it truly is one of my alone time. Where my brain is on snooze. :) Its always a relaxing moment for me.

Do you have a mask ritual?

Til next post!

much love,

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