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Leftist pizza trolls like gay professor Don Moynihan bash Scott Walker because he tweets a old picture and mentions a pizza night out

 Chuck " Cheesepuff" Goodwin

   Scott Walker was trolled last week for putting on social media a picture of a pizza place in Milwaukee that he had attended and the pizza trolls were out. The left-wing fanatical pizza critics noticed the picture of the pizza that Scott walker claims to have at a pizza place was the same exact pizza he made mention of a year ago when he wined and dined at the same pizza place. The idea that Scott walker would Photoshop  a picture  if a pizza that he had eaten last year and taken a pizza picture the year before was too much for the left-wing political pizza enemies in the state of Wisconsin. 

This story and trolling is a nothing burger and a nothing  pizza story and for the loser pizza trolls in Wisconsin attempting to mock Scott Walker for his recent tweet of being out last week at the same Milwaukee pizza place he keeps advertising apparently they needed to see evidence of a new pizza. Ono\ly  a progressive Democrat pizza nerd would troll and tweet nonsense noticing that Walker posted the same pizza picture from last year and why would they care whether he carved a new pizza last week and didn't update the pizza and why in the pizza world would they care aside form they have no life and our obsessed with all things pizza. 

One of the libshits that had such a problem with Walker's tweet is former Wisconsin-Madison and current George Town University political professor and stupid ass Don Moynihan. The liberal professor is obsessed withn scott Walker;s food Instagram messages and tweets and the prick professor of toloiet lick  at Georgetown University is obsessed with everything that goes in and comes out of Scortt Walker's mouth because professor Moyinhan fantasies that his two inch dick would fit and be used by the former Wisconsin Governor.
 Scott Walker did the appropriate thing and ignored these pizza shits and if he wants to tweet a picture form last year in a new tweet to talk up a pizza restaurant that he likes or has some connection with his his pizza business and these idiots mocking him for it need to get a life get out of the house and go with their friends and eat pizza. The libturds just need a pizza excuse to attack Walker whom they still fear and knows if given and the chance he might be elected again as Wisconsinites are embarrassed the weasel weak old man currently  in the Governor mansion that barely won and likely only win from a Joe Biden type election rigging that only the Baath style Democratic Party can accomplish  and get away why parroting the  laughable claim this country a democracy as they destroy all vestiges of it with their  reelection manipulation and mail in fraud.
Liberal left wing professor libshit Din Moynihan

For the likes of professor Moynihan what Scott Walker devours and eat sin pizza and the style of pizza again is likely because professor Don Moynihan fantasies sn daydream and nighttime sleep of pizza and Scott walker's penis and how he wish he could combine the two. 

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