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Are you obsessed with make-up?

I am! *raises both hands*

There should be a scale to determine whether you are isn't it?

How I know I am is because I get told this by a tonne of people who know me. I am not even those sorts who get hooked up by every new collection MAC brings out you know. Its just the amount of time, energy and effort one spends on doing a particular thing is what leads to the so called term - obsession.

There is not a single time when I am out in the city, town or the streets where there are shops and I would not have stepped into a Superdrug. You'll find me exploring new makeup-boutiques in my spare time, swatching eye shadows like crazy in Boots or pestering MA's in Selfridges. Friends get tired chasing me out of drugstores and family trying to change passwords for Paypal but I wont give up. I can't just help it! You know how its like right?

What I don't understand is why people don't term this as 'passion' rather than 'obsession'? I never get told I am passionate about make-up, its more like I am obsessed with it. I mean its not that I am a chain smoker or something like that. Then why view it so negatively? I swear even chain smokers are treated more leniently lol.

What people don't get is whatever they say, its not going to cure my 'obsession', because it is NOT obsession. I am just overtly fond of make-up - simple :)

OMG! This rambling just made me the queen of random.

Just something that's always been on my mind. Do you get such vibes regarding your 'make-up obsession' too?

p.s. I have reached a thousand followers guys :D Thanks a tonne to every person who takes the time to follow, read and comment! It keeps us bloggers going ♥ a giveaway is on it way ;)

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